The Process of Building or Remodeling

August 10, 2017
Thank you
January 4, 2018
August 10, 2017
Thank you
January 4, 2018


Text by: Leila Petersen Almeida

Building or remodeling a property is always a process that requires willingness on the part of the person who is ordering the work, And whoever is building or renovating must follow the whole process, including the planning stage.

Accompanying the work avoids future problems, in addition to ensuring that the services are being done as the combined – both in terms of quality and in schedule.

Even if you have hired a specialized and reputable company in the market, it is important to do in person. To facilitate, check out some important tips.

Design your project

The project is a very important tool, as it is what will serve as a basis for the progress of the entire process of the work. It is clear that the professionals who carry out the project are the people who understand the most about what is possible or not in a construction and renovation.

Still, give suggestions and solve all questions before approving the project. When it is finished, always have a copy of what will be done in the work.

Write and save

At the planning stage of the work, make sure to take note of important things such as: materials to be used, quantities, prices and other datas.

Also record calculations on costs of materials, labor, rates and taxes, among other accounts. Also keep separate budgets, what is planned: materials costs, professional costs, city hall costs (if any), among other things.


Participate in the shopping list and give suggestions for variations of materials, colors, brands, prices. Demand that the materials be purchased as promised and try to be present when purchasing the most important materials.

Good relationship

As in any commercial and service relationship it is important that there is respect and transparency of both parties: contractor and contractors. Avoid arguments, accusations and other issues that do nothing to solve possible impasses and may even endanger the quality of the work  the people who is working in your project.


It is extremely important to formalize a contract with the company that will provide the construction or renovation service. Project, prices, deadlines and other information must be included in the document.

Visit to the place

Finally, it is important to always visit the job site – even if the work is in the planning stage. As soon as the construction or renovation begins, be sure to check the work constantly to see if the work progresses as planned and check with the project manager for any doubts about their construction.

How have you been following up on your work? Share at the comments,  your experience!

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